- November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- You will need to select your 'Mechs on THIS PAGE to redeem them
- You can select and redeem 'Mechs you have already qualified for now
- Allow up to an Hour for the mechs to be added to your account
- You cannot select and redeem 'Mechs that you are not yet qualified for
- Allow up to 24 hours after completing the qualification criteria for the page to show you are eligible
- If you complete the qualification criteria you can select and redeem 'Mechs as soon as the page shows you are eligible
- Be careful when selecting 'Mechs to redeem customer service will not exchange your redeemed rewards
- Be sure to Redeem your Reward 'Mechs Before the redemption deadline of January 1st, 2020 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- January 1st, 2020 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- You have until the end of the year to redeem 'Mech Reward content
- All content not redeemed by this date will lose eligibility
- Check your eligibility and redeem Mechs HERE
- If you make a purchase or complete your Active Player Reward Please allow up to 24 hours for the page to reflect your eligibility.
- Over the Course of the Reward Program, we will be offering MC incentives like Extra MC or Bonus Content
- Over the course of the Reward Program, we will be discounting Mech Packs at regular intervals
- Over the course of the Reward Program, the Following Chassis will become available for MC and C-Bills
- Rifleman IIC - C-Bill Date Oct 1st
- Dervish - MC Date Oct 1st - C-Bill Date Nov 5th
- MW5 Pre-Order Standard Variants - MC Date Nov 5th - C-Bill Date Dec 3rd
Reward Details
Eligibility Conditions
- You must have played at least 100 matches since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- Quick-play, Solaris 7, and Faction Play Matches Count (Private Match and Comp Play do not)
- Year 6 Cupcake Decal
- 2 Million C-bills
- a Mech Bay
25 GSP
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
Eligibility Conditions
- You must have purchased the Spooky Halloween Bundle, Solaris 7 Bundle, Dropship Deals(Pick a Pack Bundles), The 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack or any amount of MC* since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- OR you must have purchased any Steam Bundle** (Light, Medium, Heavy, or Assault performance bundles or Solaris 7 Bundle).
- *MC purchased through the Steam portal counts toward the MechWarrior Credits eligibility.
- **Steam Performance Bundles Must Be Purchased and Redeemed within the Eligible dates.
- 1 IS or Clan Light Hero or IS or Clan Light Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "The Pie is a Lie" Decal
- "The Cake was a Fake" Decal
- MC Hanging Cockpit Item
- 25 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- You must have purchased any tier of any Inner Sphere Collection* (or any Inner Sphere a la carte 'Mech**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 IS Medium Hero or IS Medium Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Atlas Silhouette" Decal
50 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- Resistance
- Resistance II
- UrbanMech
- Marauder
- Warhammer
- Rifleman
- Archer
- Phoenix Hawk
- Cyclops
- Bushwacker
- Assassin
- Roughneck
- Javelin
- Civil War-Uziel
- Civil War-Annihilator
- Civil War: Escalation - Osiris
- Civil War: Escalation - Nightstar
- Thanatos
- Hellspawn
- Fafnir
- Flea
- Vulcan
- Champion
- Hatamoto Chi
- Charger
- Any Resistance Hero 'Mech.
- Dervish
- Marauder II
- Corsair
- Evolution Charger
- Evolution Hatamoto
- You must have purchased any tier of any Clan Collection* (or any Clan a la carte 'Mech**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC)
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 IS Clan Hero or IS CLan Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Mad Cat Silhouette" Decal
50 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
* Eligible Collections (any tier, or any a la carte 'Mech**
when applicable):
- Wave 1
- Wave 2
- Wave 3
- Origins IIC
- Kodiak
- Viper
- Night Gyr
- Huntsman
- Linebacker
- Marauder IIC
- Supernova
- Civil War-Cougar
- Civil War-Mad Cat MKII
- Civil War: Escalation - Arctic Wolf
- Civil War: Escalation - Nova Cat
- Piranha
- Black Lanner
- Sun Spider
- Blood Asp
- Hellfire
- Incubus
- Vapor Eagle
- or any Wave 1, Wave 2 or IIC Clan Hero 'Mechs
- Rifleman IIC
- Warhammer IIC
** A la carte 'Mechs are only available for the Clan Wave 1, Clan Wave 2, Clan Wave 3, and Origins IIC packs, and can be found at the bottom of those pages.
You must have purchased any eligible Top-Tier Inner Sphere Collection* (or combination of eligible items**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC).
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 IS Heavy Hero or IS Heavy Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Atlas Silhouette Kill Count Version" Decal
- 1 IS 5% C-Bill boosting Hanging Item
50 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- Resistance - Wrath Collection
- Resistance II - Mauler Collection
- UrbanMech
- Marauder
- Warhammer
- Rifleman
- Archer
- Phoenix Hawk
- Cyclops
- Bushwacker
- Assassin
- Roughneck
- Javelin
- Civil War-Uziel
- Civil War-Annihilator
- Civil War: Escalation - Osiris
- Civil War: Escalation - Nightstar
- Thanatos
- Hellspawn
- Fafnir
- Flea
- Vulcan
- Champion
- Dervish
- Marauder II
- Corsair
- Evolution Charger
- Evolution Hatamoto
You must have purchased any eligible Top-Tier Clan Collection* (or combination of eligible items**) since November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PST (6:01 PM UTC).
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- 1 Clan Heavy Hero or Clan Heavy Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "Mad Cak Silhouette Kill Count Version" Decal
- 1 Clan 5% C-Bill boosting Hanging Item
50 GSP
* Eligible Collections: Wave 1 Masakari Collection; Wave 2 Man-O-War Collection; Wave 3 Gladiator Collection; Origins IIC Highlander Collection. ** Eligible combinations: At least two Collector Packs from any combination of the following Packs:
- Wave 1 Masakari Collection
- Wave 2 Man-O-War Collection
- Wave 3 Gladiator Collection
- Kodiak
- Viper
- Night Gyr
- Huntsman
- Linebacker
- Marauder IIC
- Supernova
- Civil War-Cougar
- Civil War-Mad Cat MKII
- Civil War: Escalation - Arctic Wolf
- Civil War: Escalation - Nova Cat
- Piranha
- Black Lanner
- Sun Spider
- Blood Asp
- Hellfire
- Incubus
- Vapor Eagle
- Rifleman IIC
- Warhammer IIC
or a combination of any 6 Wave 1, Wave 2, IIC Clan Hero 'Mechs, Hero Add-ons, or Reinforcement Add-ons. (for applicable Clan Mech packs)
Eligibility Conditions
You must qualify for both the 2019 Clan Top-Tier Reward and the 2019 Inner Sphere Top-Tier Rewardlisted above! If you qualify for those two Top-Tier Rewards before the cut-off date, you qualify for the Ultimate Reward!
- 1 IS or Clan Assault Hero or IS or Clan Assault Loyalty Mech (from Previous Years Reward Programs)
- 1 Mech bay
- "ULTIMATE" Decal
- 1 IS 5% C-Bill boosting Standing Item
- 1 Clan 5% C-Bill boosting Standing Item
- 100 GSP
Reward Injection Date / Mech Selection
- November 19th, 2019 at 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)
- If you qualify for the Ultimate Reward the 'Mech is selectable on the Eligibility Page
- You have until January 1st, 2020 10:00 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC) to redeem 'Mech Reward content
- All content not redeemed by this date will lose eligibility
- Reward eligibility for content acquired through Gift Code redemption is determined by the original purchase date of the Gift Code. Example: If you redeemed a Gift Code on August 10th, 2019 that was purchased prior to November 13th, 2018 at 10:01 AM PDT (5:01 PM UTC), you will not qualify for any associated Rewards.
- Rewards are provided to the Giftee, not the Gifter.
- Gift Codes that were purchased within the eligibility period, but redeemed after the period had expired, will not be granted the associated Reward item automatically; the Reward will need to be granted manually by Support Services. If you have redeemed a Gift Code after the deadline but that was purchased during the eligibility period, please contact accounts@mwomercs.com.