Server Migration - 12:30PM PDT - Forum Downtime Incoming!

by InnerSphereNews in [ Announcements ] on, Sep 13, 2013 7:06 PM UTC 53  comments

Greetings everyone!

In preparation for launch, we're adding new, more robust servers for the forums (baremetal Boxes for your Metal Mechs). What does this mean? Firstly, the forum 'speed' (opening PM's, topics, sending replies, etc) will be MUCH faster. This will be happening at 12:30PM PDT. So that's the great news. The less great news is that the following will be happening:

  1. The forums will be made read only (you won't be able to post new topics, respond to current topics, send PM's, etc)
  2. The Maintenance Page will go up
  3. At this point, the forums should be back up and much faster
  4. (If 3 fails, or there is a problem, we'll go back to the forums as they are now.)

We'll update you all more with timeframes as we have them.

Have a good one!

The MechWarrior Online Team