Weekly Review - June 29th

by InnerSphereNews in [ Developer Blogs ] on, Jun 29, 2012 10:00 AM UTC 26  comments

Weekly Review – June 29nd

And another week comes to a close. We started with the Ask The Devs 8 – Answers, followed by our striking Desktop Wallpaper 4, then the PC Gamer interview with Russ about Frozen City, and of course the amazing Weekly Screenshot 9, and then the very popular Frozen City video. After that, Russ announced that 500 Founders members would be getting Beta invites.

So, all that said, a great week to be sure! (Share your thoughts on the new map with us on the forums and stay tuned for more MechWarrior Online news.) We hope you got into our Beta, and if not, we hope you do the next time. This is clearly an on-going process.

We will add more users to the Beta as hardware allows, and we really do thank you for your patience. We’ll have more big news in the coming weeks (and months), so stay with us: There’s a lot more MechWarrior to Come!


The MechWarrior Online Team